A stick figure with a backpack is running on a white background.


Mount Battie – located in Camden Hills State Park. is one of the peaks of the Camden Hills that loom above the harbor at Camden, Maine. These mountains rival those on Mount Desert Island in height and grandeur, making them among the most impressive along North America’s eastern seaboard. 


Megunticook Lake – is located at the base of the Camden Hills in Camden. At the eastern end of the lake, just three miles from the harbor and the ocean is Barrett’s Cove Beach, a beautiful spot for swimming and picnicking that is rarely crowded.


Camden Harbor – where the mountains meet the sea. That’s a phrase often used to describe Camden and it’s true. Camden Harbor may be the prettiest harbor in all the US, perhaps the world. Mount Battie forms the backdrop for this stunning harbor, providing refuge from Nor’Westerlies, as well as some of the most accessible hiking found anywhere.

A black and white drawing of a sailboat on a white background.


Schooner & Boating Excursions – No trip is complete without some adventure on the open water and Camden makes it easy with a wide assortment of schooner ships and other tour adventures.


Whether sailing the open water or hauling up a lobster trap and cruising by lighthouses, there’s something for everyone on the water in Camden.


Check out the links below for specific information on the types of sails available, all of which are a short walk or drive from Elms of Camden. The Schooners Olad, Surprise, Appledore, and Lively Lady sail out of Camden Harbor. Schooner Heron sails out of Rockport Harbor.


Schooner Olad


Schooner Surprise


Schooner Appledore

Schooner Heron 

Lively Lady

A black and white drawing of a kayak with paddles.


Kayak rentals, lessons, and even guided tours are readily available and for all skill levels. Check out some of the options below for both lake and sea kayaking.


Ducktrap Kayak


Maine Sport Outfitters


Breakwater Kayak Co 

A black and white silhouette of a person holding a stick.


Get high! In terms of rock climbing that is and explore some of the options in and around Camden. 


Acadia Mountain Guidesis one of Maine's foremost rock climbing schools and has everything needed for a great adventure. 


Equinox Guiding Service offers half and full-day climbs from the first-timer to the experienced climber.

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